From our Baptismal Vows: Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming is committed to fostering communities in which its members and guests can explore their faith, exercise their ministries, and live out their vocations in safe and healthy settings. We are committed to keeping everyone safe, particularly our children, youth, and vulnerable adults. To facilitate all of us reaching this ideal, clergy and lay leaders are required to complete Safe Church training.
Training is online through the Safe Church, Safe Communities training site on Praesidium. For more thorough information, browse the links to this page. To get a quick start to your Safe Church journey, follow these steps.
Fill out this form to get a praesidium.com account
Refer to this chart to learn which modules you’ll need to complete based on your role.
When you’ve completed the modules, print a transcript from the Praesidium site and share it with your parish administrator.
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming is committed to empowering our leadership with the tools to protect our congregants.
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming uses the Safe Church, Safe Communities program created by Church Pension Group. This online training, hosted by Praesidium, helps in the education and training for preventing and responding to sexual abuse in everyday life and in ministry. It is geared toward clergy, laity, and congregation members who are responsible for protecting children and adults, employees of churches and church organizations, and volunteers responsible for planning, implementing, or supervising ministries, activities, or programs.
The Safe Church modules are pertinent to the issues facing communities today. Each module takes 20-30 minutes and can be completed in separate sessions. While different courses are required based on different roles in the church community, many others are available that address issues that may be relevant to your particular context.
How to sign up: To request Safe Church training, please fill out the following form. An email will be sent to you within 48 hours with individual login information after completing this form.
Refer to the chart below to discern the courses you’ll need to complete based on your role.
Diocesan Policies
The guiding principle of Safe Church is to protect the vulnerable and offer us, as Episcopalians, the opportunity to be good neighbors.
Safe Church Model Policies were adopted in 2017 by The Episcopal Church and can be found on their website. They include model policies for safe ministries, for children and youth, and for vulnerable adults. At the 80th General Convention, leaders recommended the Safe Church, Safe Community program.
The new and updated program, Safe Church, Safe Communities, was launched in the summer of 2021. Safe Church, Safe Communities provides new and updated training modules for clergy, laity, and parish staff. These resources give dioceses and parishes across the church the tools necessary to ensure that the most vulnerable among us find an Episcopal Church community of faith that is welcoming and safe.
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming adopted the policies in March of 2023.
Protection of Vulnerable Adults
In-person Trainings
While the current Safe Church program is designed for participants to complete the trainings individually, many churches find value in doing the trainings as a community.
Please contact us to schedule an in-person training session in your parish. We will work with you to set a date and provide a trainer.
Become a Safe Church Trainer
In-person trainings require in-person trainers! Becoming a Safe Church trainer means:
completing the Safe Church modules
attending a train-the-trainer workshop (up to three hours on Zoom)
shadow a trainer at an in-person training
co-lead an in-person training with an experienced trainer
collaborate with the Diocesan offices to schedule and lead in-person trainings.
If you are interested in becoming a trainer, please contact info@episcopalwy.org.
Reporting a Concern
Intake Officers & Pastoral Care Team
Our Intake Officers handle complaints related to any violation of Safe Church policies, in accordance with civil laws and the canons of The Episcopal Church.
Our Pastoral Care Team provides counseling and support to potential victims of Church-related sexual abuse, exploitation, or harassment at no cost. Any of our Intake Officers can make a referral to this team.
Heather Duncan-Malone
(307) 251-9165
Clint Hernandez
(307) 237-5584 or (307) 262-2378
Contact Us
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming
123 S. Durbin St.
Casper, WY 82601
+1 (307) 265-5200
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday from
8:30am–4:30pm MST