We hope you can join us!
The native pine log church of St. Hubert the Hunter stands along the Hoback River, surrounded by mountains in the beautiful basin of Bondurant. In addition to our Sunday worship during the summers, the church also serves as the area’s center for social gatherings. Over the years, the church has developed a close relationship with the Bondurant Community Club to raise funds and minister to the local community’s needs. Additionally, over the years, the church has donated to St. John’s Hospital, the Bondurant School, Sublette County Welfare and the local 4-H club. Our focus is on the local community, helping the local needy and working on community projects such as rejuvenating the local cemetery.

Sundays at 11:15 AM
June through September
Our History
The Church of St. Hubert the Hunter was named after the patron saint of hunters because the mountains surrounding the church known for elk, moose, deer and bear. The church located in the picturesque Hoback River Valley in Bondurant, approximately 35 miles from the Town of Jackson. Set against the Gros Ventre Mountain Range, the Chapel is located on a 1-acre parcel in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Completed in 1941, the Chapel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The altar window depicts the vision of Saint Hubert and was made and given by Miss Jessie Van Brunt of Brooklyn, NY. The original rustic altar was built by two brothers who lived on a ranch far up the canyon.
(307) 732-4180
Dan Smitherman: dsj5902@msn.com
PO Box 349, Bondurant, WY 82922
14254 U.S. Highway 191, Bondurant, Wyoming