Music Resources
“To sing is to pray twice.”
- attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo
Music is an essential component to the spiritual vitality of a church’s worship. We are committed to assisting all our churches and faith communities, regardless of size or location, to have vibrant, soul-filled and singable music within their worship services.
“Easy to Sing” Music Suggestions
Below are hymn/song lists of suggested singable worship music for our congregations. These lists include traditional favorites, and many others as well. They are singable for musicians and non-musicians alike. To get the sheet music for any of these hymns/songs on the below lists, please contact Genie Osburn at the Diocese for the Google Drive “Music Resources” link - email: genie@episcopalwy.org
Music Suggestions for Church Year Seasons
Music Suggestions by Order of Worship
Wyoming Gloria-info & sheet music / audio link
Universal Music Licenses
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming has purchased a “universal music license” through Christian Copyright Solutions (CCS) to enable all our churches to perform and stream music during worship services and all other church services, programs and activities. Through CCS the Diocese has purchased the PERFORMmusic Facilities License and the CCS WORSHIPcast Streaming License.
See: Music Licenses
This is a list of a variety of hymnals (Episcopal and Ecumenical) and Taize books of chants for enhanced congregational singing.
See: Hymnals / Songbooks
Online Resources for Songs & Hymns
These online resources, including CCLI’s “Song Select” (via the Diocese subscription), enable worship planners to preview music, access lyrics, guitar chords, melody lines and full musical scores for more than 100,000 songs of
See: Online Resources
Music Resources
In addition to selecting music from Spotify, iTunes or Amazon Music, here are a few audio resources that include pre-recorded live music for worship: songs that can be used by congregations who are using Zoom or are live-streaming services, as well as those who want to use pre-recorded performed music during their in-person services.
YouTube – Music Playlist
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming will continue developing the Music Playlist on our YouTube channel, providing music that can be used in worship services. This special music is from ensembles and choirs in our churches, as well as from special musical groups like The Craft Brothers.